My husband took me to the butterfly pavilion at the Smithsonian this weekend! MAN was it crazy! There were so many people and of course everyone is waiting to see the cherry blossoms, which have arrived late this year due to the harsh weather.
While we were in the Museum of Natural History, we had seen the Hope Diamond, some strange looking stone formations, an Orchid room full of many different kinds of beautiful orchids and of course the butterfly pavilion. Here are pictures for you to enjoy from the butterfly pavilion. The butterflies were landing on people and their clothing, it was pretty sweet!
The room where the butterflies were, was VERY warm, but beautiful! Full of flowers and an area with live caterpillars and cocoons. If you ever get the change, go! It was $6 a person and so worth it!
Since I have been dealing with issues with my knee and foot, I had to go home and rest my foot that evening. All in all, we had a great day!
Many of us have given up and I know because I was one who gave up on myself. When I gave up on myself, I gave up on my health which in turn meant I gave up on my weight. It has not been a picnic to say the least, but I am no longer giving up on me nor you for that matter! I am going to take HEALTHY back! Are you with me? I will be posting exercises, videos, recipes and encouraging posts to help you along your healthy journey! Join me and we can take HEALTHY back together!
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